Far Cry 1 Multiplayer Patch which allows you to play comfortable with players and keep your own servers for global internet playing.
This mod also contain a lot fixes.
More info in Discord Far Cry 1 Community: https://discord.com/invite/q3UrcTPgnk
1)Fixed hit-detects in multiplayer (server-client)
2)Fixed respawn of pickups in mp (when you try to pickup same gun and it dissapears)
3)Added ability to minimize to tray the game window
4)Added ability to make screenshots and in menu
5)Now you can see nicknames above head's teammates
6)Added hit-markers and ability to enable/disable it
7)Added iron sights in quality form (not like in old low quality iron sights mod)
9)Improved sounds on guns
10)Added biggest multiplayer mode (TFM) since whole game history. TFM is a battle royale mode which supports a lot of entities + stable net working.
11)Optimized biggest class by own methods in c++. Now entity working more stable that original game and doesn't make fps more thorn.
12)menu supplemented with new settings, some pages a little redesigned.
13)Added widescreen via best solution (via c++) which doesn't needed a lot of textures which overload engine memory and could crash it (critical exception)
14) First attempts of MULTITHREADING (C++) - now can instantly without freezing the game exit into menu and check save-games and map-lists. Also we added threads on some other things in engine to improve fast and stability of it.
15)Added parachute for players like in CS:S for MULTIPLAYER
16)Fixed thorn fps and FPS counter is now more stable (C++)
17)Added economic system for MP (traders and coins-transfers).
18)Added traders for multiplayer
19)Added gas mask and UAV (like in cod war zone) - done also with C++
20)Added some new models, including new guns.
21)New guns animations
22)Added a list of favorites servers
23)Added ability to download maps for SP & MP(even on connecting to the server if you have message that you have no such map) (C++)
24)Fixed flying fox for SP & MP(C++)
25)Rewritten weapon scope & zoom (lua & C++)
26)News page in FCAV (based on google docs API C++)
27)Fixed sway for weapons (now it works as it should be)
28)Fixed materials in c++ (when you play long and once it can be grass material for everything)
29)Added new commands for DirectX to get rendering response on the monitor output better.
30)Separeted mouse sensetivities (menu/aim/default view)
31)Added new render mode (Breezy) via c++
32)Separeted volumes in sound settings of the game
33)Fixed bik scenes when it oversound menu background music + now you can change volume of bik scenes too.
34)Fixed render view distance of vegetation of whole game
35)Fixed render reflections on water (C++)
36)Added new setting: smooth calculations of engine.
37)Fixed smoke of smoke grenades in multiplayer
38)Added some types weapon crosshairs - cross, circle & dot
39)Added target points like in CoD WZ
40)Added new maps for TFM
41)New settings - added new actions buttons.
42)Added CD-keys for mp (server host can use own cd keys to create by such way - a local pseudo white list of players)
43)Anti-cheat system (if you will try to edit some files inside - you will corrpupt whole mod and only reinstallation will helps)
44)Improved server-admin panel with vote panel
45)Fixed outline of menu items in Full HD resolution.
46)Added interpolations and leps in some parts of engine(still wip)
47)OS time added under radar in hud
48)Run animations on guns.
49)Fixed connecting-reconnecting of players, players will not stuck on loading in server-slots.
50)Less critical exceptions in whole engine now
51)New method of localizations (more comfortable to translate whole game for others)
52)A bit quality terrain
53)Optimized some engine parameters for viewing large locations from above
54)Vegetation sprites fix
55)A bit improved physics for MP
56)Mod auto-control net system (ability to check version of project correctly via internet) + added launcher written with C#
57)Custom shirt colour change. Made in c++
58)Customised FOV in settings. You can set your own number
59)Ability of minimizing the game window
60)Improved selection of pickups. They don't disappear AND AMMO after picking up it doesn't disappear and will respawn too.
61)New mp console commands for more thin setting of gameplay rules
62)Slide show in menu
63)Separated configs for the mod and save settings when you click apply
64)Possibility to connect by ip by button
65)More thin cutomization of crosshair
66)Added more skins for mp
67)Added ability to change language in settings
68)Weapon posing due fov
69)Play/stop of model player in menu for comfortable changing colour in static pose
70)The server name and IP are correctly passed to the client from the server
71)Improved some data transfer: now server goes very smooth
72)Rewritten timer of whole engine
73)Added ability to set own greeting-video on own server
74)Tactical and empty reaload animations for guns
75)Rebalanced all guns in better way
76)Fixed scoreboards(rewritten for optimization)
77)Ability to host freely own servers via RADMIN
78)Improved net-code
79)Added interpolations for multiplayer
80)Fixed flashlight for multiplayer
81)Added ability to check disk space via menu bar UI in maps list downloading
82) and many other things.........
Most of fixes made with c++ and focused on the multiplayer side, but at the same time, the single-player has become much more pleasant to play
Get Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Author | CryWave |
Tags | far-cry, far-cry-1-coop, far-cry-1-discord, far-cry-1-fixes, far-cry-1-mods, farcry1-mods, far-cry-1-multiplayer, far-cry-1-widescreen, far-cry-mods, fcav |
Languages | English, Russian |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
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