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Get Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Author | CryWave |
Tags | far-cry, far-cry-1-coop, far-cry-1-discord, far-cry-1-fixes, far-cry-1-mods, farcry1-mods, far-cry-1-multiplayer, far-cry-1-widescreen, far-cry-mods, fcav |
Languages | English, Russian |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
More posts
- Fix of wrong lighting in Far Cry 1 | Wrong cache of shaders FIX13 hours ago
- Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes | Multiplayer & Singleplayer | COOP | Advanced Version2 days ago
- Far Cry 1 Advanced Version | Singleplayer, Multiplayer, COOP, Improved netcode5 days ago
- FCAV | 1304.964 + 1304.965 ChangeLog28 days ago
- InstallationSep 20, 2024
- How to add own maps in database of FCAV ?Jul 24, 2024
- LESS PING FOR MP GAMES ?Jul 18, 2024
- FCAV - MP .CFGJul 13, 2024
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Trying to fix the 40 degree FOV after installing this MOD - anybody know how? Thanks!
Hello, what exact do you mean about 40 degree? In mod own system of FOV which means 40 = about 170.
From 0 to 40 is like from 90 to 170. Such proportions.
Sorry, was exaggerating due to frustration - I get sim sickness if I can't dial the FOV in correctly. If you could provide me a file name and location I could edit to change the FOV in this mod I will love you forever. Currently I am literally playing like this :*(
If I edited the zoomview.lua file in scripts.pak and put it in \FarCry\FCData would that work?
Thank you so much, I found it, so much checking config files and it was in the menu all along. Didn't see it hiding under the shirt color I was looking under Video Options! Oh well, your mod is great :D
Be more attentive, first of all you need to check in FCAV - it is settings!
1) add first person for spectators
2) amount of money and lives do not showing on spectators
3) drawing distance are low as spectators
4) text on left on spectators overlaying on each other
5) game crashing on changing map
6) tfm problems with reviving mates and order
7) sensitivity bug
8) tab error when no one showing
9) make sounds in tfm lower (i cant hear footsteps)
Founded bugs from users:
1) While aiming and using save game - happens trouble when guns freezes in one state and never unfreezing then.
2)The game crashes for some users when loading any level. We believe this is due to profiles. Or you should try resetting the settings.
3)Tent-fix(yeah,yeah, we know, forget about this for now :D)
4)Some issue with profiles in menu (old bug)
5)View of distance, sprites(it was WIP and still WIP)