New incoming update 1304.9

Incoming update will include changes with:

-Menu (UI Interface)
-Weapons rebalancing

-Weapons new animations

-Launcher (will allows make auto-updates on launch)
-Some fixes with multiplayer

-Ability to download maps right from mod

So, now we will tell some info about guns rebalancing.


-Machete: now it become more dangerous, and at same time - you as usually move fast with it. Player speed on 10% higher when you using this gun. In singleplayer it works as usual, but damage is same high.

-Falcon: Accuracity is higher, damage is 87. It's good choice for close distance. Made a strong reduction in damage over distance.

-M4: It have now not high accuracity, but medium recoil. Good choice for mid distance. Damage: 31; Aiming become faster.

-MP5: It's fast - has highest mobility and ergonomics in the game for now with good accuracity, but damage is too low: 24;

-P90: It's medium, but accuracity is a bit lower than mp5, but damage is higher - 30; Distance is good enough. Great choise for mid and close distance, but recoil is one of parameters you needed to control.

-AG36: it's fast zoom, good damage about 34, but decay on run is high enough. Mobility is not the best when fire out aim. A controversial weapon, but if you have skill and experience, it is very useful.

-OICW: slow aiming, but good with fire during walking. Good accuracity and dangerous damage. It's good for far distance.

-AW50: Zooming become faster, damage is good with mid and close distances, but it's decreases the further you are.

-Block18: it's same as before - fast and comfortable, damage is medium. Be sure you have enough skill to use that gun.

-A2000: No changes was done, still same as before.

-M249: Very high recoil, medium accuracity, but highest damage from ASSAULT rifles.

-RL: The damage from this gun was demoted, screen shaking from explosion has been reduced.

-Shotgun: no changes, a bit lower damage, than before. Slowest aiming. Best choise for close and mid distances.

What new will be in next update ? Spoiler: new sniper gun and meele.

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