FCAV | 1304.964 + 1304.965 ChangeLog

Here is change-log about new FCAV version which is intermediate, because it came out unscheduled and it has some unfinished things.
Anyway, here we go:
-First of all, added new important options.
-Independence frame rate of camera it is feature when your movings in any side not attached to main frame-rate of the engine. It still depends from whole render, but not to the same frame counter, so it makes it smoother again.
-Perspective of AI/Player - the feature which you can configure for yourself, that affect to the distance ration how far NPC and Players will shows for your camera (perspective). Yeah, finally this feature added as many of you asked us. Now NPC and Players are drawing from far distance and you can see them, but one bad thing-it will costs your performance (fps), and since engine rendering is still one threaded, then it is what it is at current moment.
Also we recommend do not use water reflections option enabled, it will also costs a lot engine response. Of course you can, but then your fps will be more torn.
-New updated launcher and fixed uploading there;
-Fixed issues on original levels, such as Double buggy on the swamp level and cutscene issue at the final of the Volcano, when if you have no bik scene, game stucks and you can open only console and nothing more.
-Fixed whole logics of in-game cutscenes and .bik cutscenes, now crashes fixed under some conditions.
-Added support of separeted Campaign finally! Now you can add your own Campaigns, example is inside mod folder in "Campaigns" folder. Enjoy!
-A bit improved net-code, will be published also new profile config! Await...
-Added BOTS FOR MULTIPLAYER! Use command: \sv_bots_amount "your number till 30" - type without quotation marks.
-Improved vehicles, now buggy is faster and fwd vehicle have more driving control with speed.
-New method of bans for MP, and more MP protection from cheating! Now ban system a lot powerfull and it's mostly impossible to avoid it. Ban carried out through by your hardware all possible IDs + machine ips, including bios. Hackers/cheaters couldn't play on your server anymore!
-Expanded TFM mode(battle royale), added some more features with zone, also for now TFM mode made as module MODE, on future for more flexible development for us. Was rewritten a lot things to optimize and make it more better. Also whole MP modes were optimized.
-Increased speed of all rockets (velocity)
-Improved tags on radar for TFM mode (battle royale), all shops and traders are marked, planed to make marks for flying foxes too!
-Attempts to fix CryVision (still wip)
-Changed texture of crosshair for AG36
-Added ability to skip reloading by FRAME (Will be fully released in next version, but whole working logics are already done). What's that? It is when you for example inserted mag of the weapon and reloaded the weapon bolt, after that you can immediately shoot not waiting till animation will fully ends. Same for activation animations. Was not so easy to do as it looking at finished result from the point of codding... -_-
-Improved scoreboard for multiplayer in aspects of optimization for the game.
-Improved Vote-panel.
-A bit fixed borderless mode.
-Temporary returned non-physical bullet, there will be fully rewritten physics-logics for that type of entity. WIP
-OICW now have more recoil with AG36
-Fixed grenade throwing bugs.
-Other small but important fixes such as collisions etc......
-Fixed crash on pier (not sure 100%). Sometimes it happens with vehicle after exploding of hangar.
-Structured all commands in menu-bar of creating server.
-Fixed broken lighting on steam map.
-Fixed wrong vehicle behavior on Swamp map, when Val drives as "clown"
-A bit imrpoved admin panel, added new things such as add HP and all ammo.
-Fixed dead body params, now bodies not dissapearing at 10 sec and when you turn off your view from it.
-Fixed inro scene on start of the game, now it works as should be
-Fixed r_DisableSfx params on low settings, such as auto-disabling of render modes etc....
Get Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version | Far Cry 1 Mods | Fixes
Far Cry Advanced Version
Status | In development |
Category | Game mod |
Author | CryWave |
Tags | far-cry, far-cry-1-coop, far-cry-1-discord, far-cry-1-fixes, far-cry-1-mods, farcry1-mods, far-cry-1-multiplayer, far-cry-1-widescreen, far-cry-mods, fcav |
Languages | English, Russian |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
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